Saturday, August 05, 2006


Finally, managed to get some stuff going in lab. It's a sideline project that appears to have more promise than my main topic, but hey, what ever works, works! Kinda sick of looking at the same thing from different angles... so decided to take a stroll and play around with other stuff while waiting for inspiration, or more enlightening results to come out from the main project. Procrastination in a weird way... It's pretty interesting, I have totally no idea on nuclear receptors, so, reading up at the same time. And in case my boss is reading this... yes... I'm still working/whacking at the main project... *waves real time PCR data and shRNA vectors cloning stuff at boss for distraction*...

Ah yes, talk about waving stuff... (if you can get the joke, you're a kindred spirit!!) For a real dose of procrastination and peer suppport, check out Comic strips, a blog by a comic strip character that's so real and a forum. Badger badger badger!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

Yay PhDComics!

Don't get the "badger" reference though ... unless you mean these guys, which would be weird.

9:22 pm  

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