Monday, February 12, 2007

Long lost?

It's been a long while since I last blogged.. or rather procrastinated by communicating via the web.. either through email, chat or blog. It finally hit me today that communication does matter... Keeping in touch with people constantly to maintain contacts... I naively thought that friends would remain friends even after a long time. Even if we haven't seen each other or communicated for a long time, we would be able to pick up the threads of friendship when we meet again. For me, it doesn't matter... I would still eagerly greet the person as a friend, still remember the stuff we used to talk about and would want to be updated by the happenings in their lives when we meet up again, ignoring the erosion of time... Sadly... it is not so. Sure, it'll be awkward and such in the beginning, but if you trust and consider them friend, sharing your lives again should be free-flowing.... I need to protect my emotions as I feel too much, so when they gain my trust, they have it for a lifetime... So, why should this be so fragile?

I don't know. Time passes by me so fast, that it does not seem to have moved. Strange feeling.. but that's what you get when you stay in one place, do the same kind of work, stick to a routine.. and the world moves on without you... I live in an illusion that things are the same... would stay the same...

I am not good at saying goodbye to people, so, it hurts when they say goodbye to me. So, does this mean that once we pause in talking to one another... it's long lost?


Blogger Unknown said...

On the other hand, meeting up with friends after years is a really strange experience: it's somebody you knew so well so long ago, but they're now somebody completely different, but they're really the same person on the inside. Very odd.

Also: people are always popping in and out of your life, anyway. It's both just in the nature of 21st century living, and in the nature of life itself: people will die, and other people will be born.

I do believe that friends will remain friends, though. It's just too hard giving up on somebody =).

10:28 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Speaking of which, how are you?

1:30 am  

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